Our Pastor

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Hope in the midst of despair

April 09, 2020

We are certainly living in the midst of one of the most difficult and challenging times in my sojourn on earth as a  person.

Indeed our world has changed for the worst as individual and global economies are threatened. Thousands have died and many more are affected by this disease. Millions of Canadians an other nations are facing financial hardships. Our hospitals have become overcrowded and medical workers are overwhelmed.

Fear of the unknown is slowly becoming an accepted norm.  Hope seems to be giving way to hopelessness and peace is slowly being replaced with worry.

It is not without significance that this crisis would cross path with the most significant period of the year (and the Holiest week) in the Christian calendar beginning with Palm Sunday and culminating in the greatest victory ever won by a human being – the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead.

Let us take comfort and find consolation and peace in the suffering, death and Resurrection of the sinless Lamb of God. 

May we find hope in Him who endured such suffering for our sins, sickness and diseases but, praise God!!  Who rose from the dead triumphantly. 

While we look back on this darkest period in human history – the suffering, rejection and painful death  of JESUS on that cross to pay for our redemption, we can trust in his unchanging Grace. 

Presently, we have have been plunged into a crisis, not of our own choosing but, we can look forward in Faith to a Glorious future in the soon coming of the Risen Lamb to establish the Kingdom of God and to rule in Righteousness and peace.

Please know, that as your pastor, I am praying for the Church’s protection and covering. I miss those smiling faces on Sunday mornings, those shaking of hands, those friendly hugs and visiting the shut ins and administering The Holy Communion. I miss our Bible study times on Wednesday nights and personal interactions with members, visitors and friends of Good Shepherd.

I hope that my attempt at reaching you via technology, is proving to be a source of encouragement and spiritual strength in this hour of uncertain and great panic.

God bless you continually with his Grace is my prayer for you.


Rev Wayneroy Mohabir.